What They Are: PPs are selected from ongoing scientific projects or areas within Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) or their institutions based on specific criteria.
Their Role: They serve as examples of typical research data management tasks, demonstrating the range of scientific operations served by our mateirals research data infrastructure.
Participation Criteria: Participation is a two-way street. PPs provide data, tools, solutions, and knowledge. In return they gain experience with digital infrastructure and profit from knowledge enhancement, outreach, and increased visibility in the community.
Inclusion Criteria: In particular, PPs include major collaborative efforts such as Clusters of Excellence, Collaborative Research Centers, and International Research Training Groups that meet NFDI-MatWerk's broad community outreach criteria.
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Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524
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