The following tools have been grouped by the respective task area.

Materials Data Infrastructure

Name Short Description Affiliations Tags
Coscine, Coscine FAIR research data management platform for your research project.
All researchers related to NFDI-MatWerk can use Coscine.
RWTH Aachen #RDM #Storage #Metadata
JARDS, Coscine JARDS is the digital administration for proposals for Coscine. FZ Jülich, RWTH Aachen #Applicationform
Kadi4Mat, Coscine Kadi4Mat is the Karlsruhe Data Infrastructure for Materials Science,
an open source software for managing research data.
Mapping Service, Coscine With the mapping service you can easily manage the schemes/mappings
that are stored for mapping your documents.
KIT #Mapping
FAIR-DO-Lab, Coscine FAIR-DO-Lab is a customizable software stack
to create your own FAIR Digital Object Lab.
MDS Catalog, Coscine The RDA Metadata Standards Catalog is a collaborative, open directory
of metadata standards applicable to research data.
Helmholtz MC, KIT #Metadata #Standards
FAIR DO Cookbook<, Coscine This cookbook shall guide the reader through the different use cases
when adopting, maintaining and using FAIR Digital Objects.
Data Collections Explorer, Coscine The Data Collections Explorer is an information system focussed
on the engineering sciences.
NFDI4Ing #Repositories #DataSets
MatWerk Data/Metadata Repository, Coscine NFDI-MatWerk Data and Metadata Repositories KIT #RDM #Repository #Metadata
FAIRDOscope, Coscine With the FAIRDOscope you can explore the facets of FAIR Digital Objects. KIT #FAIR-DO
metadataHub, Coscine Service for interacting with different kinds of metadata repositories
implementing the turntable API or at least a mapping for it.
KIT, RWTH #Metadata #Repositories #Mapping
SKOSMOS Terminology Service, Coscine Currently available in SKOSMOS Terminology Service is MatWerk
Acronyms Vocabulary, in the future other vocabularies follow.
KIT #Metadata #Terminology
The Web Application Protocol Server, Coscine This project provides a server for creating and managing annotations
based on the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM) implementing
the complete Web Annotation Protocol (WAP).
The Metadata Editor, Coscine The Metadata Editor is a JavaScript library allowing to generate
web forms and validate metadata in an intuitive and generic way.
The Metadata Standards Catalog, Coscine The Metadata Standards Catalog is an information platform for users
looking for metadata standards and tools.
The Typed PID Maker, Coscine The Typed PID Maker is an entry point to integrate digital resources
into the FAIR Digital Object ecosystem.
The RO-Crate-Java library, Coscine Research-Object-Crate is a flexible research data package format. KIT

Workflows and Software Development

Name Short Description Affiliations Tags
pyiron pyiron - an integrated development environment (IDE) for computational materials science.
It combines several tools in a common platform
MPIE, BAM #workflow #IDE
Ironflow Ironflow combines ryven, ipycanvas and ipywidgets to provide a Jupyter-based
visual scripting gui for running pyiron workflow graphs.
MPIE #workflow #visualprogramming
pyiron workflow pyiron_workflow is a framework for constructing workflows as computational graphs
from simple python functions.
MPIE #workflow
Calphy calphy is a Python library and command line tool for calculation of free energies. MPIE #thermodynamics #MD
pyscal-rdf pyscal_rdf is a python tool for ontology-based creation, manipulation,
and querying of structures.
MPIE #ontology #MD
CompositionSpace CompositionSpace is an open-source python library for analysis of APT data. MPIE #APT #dataanalysis
Pasta ELN The favorite ELN for experimental scientists. PASTA-ELN makes it easy and convenient
for an experimental scientist to organize raw data with metadata.
Chaldene Visual programming extension to Jupyter Notebook to make
building workflows easier and more intuitive.
DFKI #visualprogramming #imageprocessing #workflow

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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