NFDI-MatWerk meets LinkedIn

Since 20 September 2022 NFDI-MatWerk is represented at LinkedIn

Would you like to be informed about current events, offers, developments and news in our consortium? Since 20 September 2022, NFDI-MatWerk has also been active on LinkedIn: #nfdi #nfdimatwerk. Follow and network with us and other contacts. We grow with your likes and comments. 

The MSE Congress, 27 - 29 September in Darmstadt or online makes the kick-off in our timeline on LinkedIn. THE German conference on materials science and engineering is coming up soon. Join now: and don´t miss out on the latest research on topics like Biomaterials, circular materials, functional materials and the recent topic of digitalization in MSE. Therefore the NFDI-MatWerk consortium and the material digitalization platform MaterialDigital will be represented as well at the conference. Let's meet in Darmstadt.

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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