NFDI-MatWerk Solutions
Support for Research Data Management in your MatWerk Projects

Discover research data management solutions developed and contributed by NFDI-MatWerk. Explore aligned with the project data lifecycle considering the DFG Research Data Checklist for a broader perspective on essential research data needs or access through the NFDI-MatWerk architecture based on your expertise, or find specific and relevant resources helpful for your research data management.

Solutions for every Phase of your Project

Many of the services you find under the respective sections are freely accessible and can be tested and used by any interested party. Of course, advice is provided. Other services—such as Coscine—can currently only be used as an active member of NFDI-MatWerk. In this case, closer support and integration into the consortium takes place. If you are interested, feel free to send an inquiry via the contact form.

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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