Transforming Data into Discovery
Introduction to NFDI-MatWerk

Welcome to NFDI-MatWerk, the National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science and Engineering (in German: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik). Our mission is to bring a new level of efficiency and collaboration to how research data is managed, shared, and used within the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) community.

Materials Science and Engineering has always been essential to social and economic progress, providing innovative solutions for challenges in energy, mobility, environmental sustainability, and more. However, the complexity of working with different materials, methods, and scales presents significant challenges in effectively managing the vast amounts of data generated by modern research.

Today’s research produces immense volumes of data, yet much of it remains underutilized due to fragmentation, lack of standardization, and incomplete metadata. By applying the FAIR principles — making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable — we aim to unlock the full potential of research data across the MSE community. NFDI-MatWerk addresses these issues by creating a unified platform that consolidates diverse datasets, making them easily accessible and promoting data sharing and exploration. Through standardized formats and robust data management practices, we enable seamless integration of distributed data, experimental and numerical workflows, and a comprehensive materials ontology to maximize interoperability and reproducibility. A key element of the NFDI-MatWerk infrastructure is the MSE Knowledge Graph, which makes the metadata of all registered MatWerk datasets findable and accessible to researchers. 

What makes NFDI-MatWerk unique is our commitment to meeting the needs of the MSE community? We continuously analyze data use profiles from various sub-disciplines to identify the most pressing scientific challenges. These insights guide the creation of Infrastructure Use Cases (IUCs), which in turn shape the ongoing development and refinement of our infrastructure. This ensures that NFDI-MatWerk is directly addressing the real needs of researchers.

By integrating research outcomes into a national data infrastructure, NFDI-MatWerk increases the visibility and impact of scientific results. We’re also fostering a culture of open data sharing, with clear guidelines and recognition for those who contribute their data. Join us as we work together to shape the future of MSE with NFDI-MatWerk — where data becomes a powerful tool for discovery and innovation.

Explore the various aspects of NFDI-MatWerk through the dedicated sections on this website:

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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