• Description: AIMS is a sub-service of Coscine. It offers you – as a researcher – the opportunity to create application profiles that help you to store suitable metadata for your research data in Coscine in accordance with the FAIR criteria. AIMS supports you in structuring and describing metadata for scientific data.
  • Installation: not needed, it's online
  • Starting with AIMS: Manual, Example, Explaining Video
  • Developed by: RWTH Aachen University, Technical University of Darmstadt
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Description: AtomRDF is a Python tool for ontology-based creation, manipulation, and quering of structures. It uses the Computational Material Sample Ontology (CMSO).
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirement: Linux, MacOs or Linux-Subsystem for Windows
  • Starting with atomRDF: Examples
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE), Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Development Mode: own
  • Tags: #ontology #MD
  • Description: calphy is a Python library and command line tool for calculation of free energies. It uses LAMMPS as the molecular dynamics driver to enable calculation of free energies using thermodynamic integration in a completely automated and efficient manner.
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirement: Linux, MacOs or Linux-Subsystem for Windows
  • Starting with calphy: Examples
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #thermodynamics #MD
  • Description: Chaldene is a visual programming language specific for solving scientific image processing problems. Executing in jupyer notebooks, it allows to build automated image processing workflows. The system integrates different image processing libraries including OpenCV, Pillow, Kornia and others.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #visualprogramming #imageprocessing #workflow

common workflow description

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  • Description: Common format to describe experimental and numerical workflows.


more information coming soon

Composition Space

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  • Description: CompositionSpace is a Python library for analysis of APT data.
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirement: conda environment
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #APT #dataanalysis
  • Description: Community led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Description: Coscine is the research data management platform for your research project. Here your data becomes FAIR – from storage, description with metadata, collaboration with all participating researchers to archiving. All researchers from participating universities or with an ORCID can use Coscine
  • Installation: not needed, log in here
    • Requirement: institutional or ORCID account
  • Starting with Cosine: manual
  • Developed by: RWTH Aachen University
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #RDM #Storage #Metadata

Data Collection Explorer

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  • Description: The Data Collections Explorer is an easy-to-use information system that provides an overview of research data repositories, archives, databases as well as individually published data sets. Locally installed and with an adapted user interface it supports publishing and discovering data sets within a community or project.
  • Developed by: NFDI4Ing
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #Repositories #DataSets

Data Stewardship as a Service

  • Description: Data stewardship is the responsible planning and executing of all actions on digital data before, during and after a research project, with the aim of optimizing the usability, reusability and reproducibility of the resulting data.


  • More information coming soon
  • GitHub repository: Link

FAIR DO cookbook

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  • Description: This cookbook shall guide the reader through the different use cases when adopting, maintaining and using FAIR Digital Objects.
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #FAIR-DO
  • Description: FAIR-DO-Lab is a customizable software stack to create your own FAIR Digital Object Lab. Allows creation, modification, and validation of FAIR DOs. This out-of-the-box infrastructure based on Docker allows to gain first experiences with FAIR DOs, either using real PIDs or with sandboxed PIDs for testing purposes.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #FAIR-DO
  • Description: FAIR-DOscope is an easy-to-use, generic FAIR Digital Object viewer and browser accepting PIDs of FAIR DOs and presenting the associated PID record in a graphical and user-friendly way. It offers a tabular view of the contents of a PID record and a graphical representation of related FAIR DOs.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #FAIR-DO
  • Description: Ironflow combines ryven, ipycanvas and ipywidgets to provide a Jupyter-based visual scripting gui for running pyiron workflow graphs.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #workflow #visualprogramming
  • Description: Allocation processes for HPC resources such as computing time or storage and data processing resources comprise complex workflows for different user groups, from the application to the assessment and implementation of HPC projects.
  • Developed by: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, RWTH Aachen University
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #Applicationform
  • Description: open source software for managing research data
  • Installation: not needed, log in here for the demo version
    • Requirement: GitLab or ORCID account
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
  • Tags: #RDM

Mapping Service UI

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  • Description: The Mapping Service is a tool designed to extract metadata from different data-files, and map this metadata to published metadata schemas.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #Mapping

MatWerk Data Repository UI

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  • Description: Data management services and graphical user interface for registering, preserving, accessing, and finding data. Instances of the NFDI-MatWerk Data Repository can also be installed locally and optimized according to the users’ needs.
  • Installation: not needed, log in here
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: own
  • Tags: #RDM #Repository #Metadata

MatWerk Metadata Repository UI

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  • Description: Metadata management services for registering, preserving, accessing, and finding metadata schemas and documents in XML and JSON format. Instances of the NFDI-MatWerk Metadata Repository can also be installed locally and optimized according to the users’ needs.
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Installation: not needed, log in here
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: own
  • Tags: #RDM #Repository #Metadata

MSE Knowledge Graph

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more information coming soon

Metadata Editor

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  • Description: The Metadata Editor is a JavaScript library allowing to generate web forms and validate metadata in an intuitive and generic way.
  • Starting with Metadata Editor: Example
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Description: Service for interacting with different kinds of metadata repositories implementing the turntable API or at least a mapping for it.
  • Git Repository (RWTH): Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, RWTH Aachen University
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #Metadata #Repositories #Mapping

The Metadata Standards Catalog

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  • Description: The Metadata Standards Catalog is an information platform for users looking for metadata standards and tools.
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev

ML platform

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  • Description: A kubernetes frontent for cluster management. The system allows to schedule ML workfloads to different queues and executes them on a cluster. The system includes features for experiment configuration.

NFDI-MatWerk Dashboard

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More information coming soon


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more information coming soon

  • Description: The favorite ELN for experimental scientists. PASTA-ELN makes it easy and convenient for an experimental scientist to organize raw data with metadata.
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirement: python
  • Starting with PastaELN: User Stories, Tutorial
  • Developed by: Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Development Mode: own
  • Tags: #ELN


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  • Description: The pid-component is a reusable and highly extensible web component for framework-agnostic visualization of a variety of inputs, including PIDs, Data Types, ORCiDs, and others.
    For users, the pid-component provides a clean, uniform, and minimalistic interface for consuming FAIR-DOs, while developers can easily integrate it into their platforms with minimal effort. 
  • Github Repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Description: Pyiron is an integrated development environment for computational materials science workflows. It combines several tools in a common platform: atomic structure objects, atomistic simulation codes, feedback loops, hierarchical data management, integrated visualization and object oriented job management.
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirement: python
  • Starting with atomRDF: Tutorials
  • Github Repository: Link
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE), Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #workflow #IDE

pyiron potentialfit

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  • Description: Fitting machine learning interatomic potentials with pyiron.
  • GitHub repository: Link


pyiron workflow

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  • Description: pyiron_workflow is a framework for constructing workflows as computational graphs from simple Python functions. Its objective is to make it as easy as possible to create reliable, reusable, and sharable workflows, with a special focus on research workflows for HPC environments.
  • Installation: Link
  • Github Repository: Link
  • Developed by: Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials (MPIE)
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #workflow

The RO-Crate-Java library

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  • Description: Research-Object-Crate is a flexible research data package format. It allows you to package or link to data and describe it in a machine-readable and human-readable way. It uses Linked Data (JSON-LD) to describe its content.
  • Starting with RO-Crate-Java: Examples
  • Github Repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev

SKOSMOS Terminology Service

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  • Description: Service to publish vocabularies. Currently available is the MatWerk Acronyms Vocabulary. Other vocabularies are in development and will follow in the future.
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev
  • Tags: #Metadata #Terminology

SPARQL Query Editor

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more information coming soon

Turntable API for Metadata Repositories

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more information coming soon

The Typed PID Maker

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  • Description: The Typed PID Maker is an entry point to integrate digital resources into the FAIR Digital Object (FAIR DO) ecosystem. It allows creating PIDs for resources and to provide them with the necessary metadata to ensure that the resources can be found and understood.
  • Installation: Link
    • Requirements: Java SE Development Kit 11 (or OpenJDK 11) or higher
  • Github Repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev

The Web Application Protocol Server

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  • Description: Software providing a server for creating and managing annotations based on the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM) implementing the complete Web Annotation Protocol (WAP).
  • Installation: Link
  • GitHub repository: Link
  • Developed by: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Development Mode: co-dev

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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