Work methodology

To achieve our ambitious objectives, NFDI-MatWerk employs several key strategies, ensuring that our digital infrastructure is responsive, effective, and aligned with the needs of the materials science and engineering community:

  • Agile Development and User-Centric Design:

    We use agile development practices to keep our infrastructure adaptable to user needs and technological advances. By continually evaluating and refining our services based on user feedback and ongoing assessments, we ensure that our platform evolves to meet the needs of the research community. Our focus is on improving the usability and efficiency of research workflows, making the infrastructure both intuitive and effective for researchers. This user-centric approach supports effective and reproducible scientific practices, ultimately advancing the field of Materials Science.

  • Rapid Implementation through Existing Research Projects:

    To ensure rapid and effective deployment of the NFDI-MatWerk infrastructure, we leverage ongoing research projects. This approach allows us to integrate our digital tools and frameworks directly into current scientific workflows, facilitating immediate application and minimizing the time between development and practical use. By embedding our solutions into existing research activities, we increase the relevance and utility of the infrastructure, making it quickly accessible to the materials science community and accelerating the pace of innovation and discovery.

  • Integration of Advanced Technologies:

    We facilitate the application of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in materials science by providing high-quality data repositories. Our infrastructure is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the dynamic and multiscale nature of materials data. This flexibility allows for the seamless incorporation of new technologies and methodologies, enhancing our ability to manage diverse data types effectively and support advanced data-driven research.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Networking:

    We strengthen connections with related disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, as well as with other NFDI consortia like FAIRmat and NFDI4Ing and international initiatives. This interdisciplinary collaboration fosters broader integration and synergy, which are crucial for addressing complex scientific challenges. By engaging in these networks, we promote the exchange of knowledge and best practices, enhancing our infrastructure's capability to handle diverse data types and research scenarios.

  • Data Quality Assurance and Adherence to FAIR Principles:

    Ensuring high data quality and accessibility is fundamental to our infrastructure. We implement robust data quality assurance measures, including the development of curated reference datasets, which provide a reliable data foundation for the materials science community. Additionally, we are committed to adhering to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This commitment ensures that all data managed by our infrastructure is maximally accessible and reusable, facilitating efficient data sharing and collaboration across the research community.

  • Community-Driven Development:

    Our development process is heavily influenced by the needs and feedback of the community. By analyzing data user profiles from Participant Projects (PP) across various sub-disciplines, we identify the most relevant scientific scenarios within materials science and engineering. These Infrastructure Use Cases (IUCs) guide the continuous community-driven development and refinement of our infrastructure, ensuring it aligns with the practical needs of researchers and remains responsive to emerging challenges and opportunities.

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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