NFDI-MatWerk Solutions
Support for Research Data Management in your MatWerk Projects

Discover research data management solutions developed and contributed by NFDI-MatWerk. Explore aligned with the project data lifecycle considering the DFG Research Data Checklist for a broader perspective on essential research data needs or access through the NFDI-MatWerk architecture based on your expertise, or find specific and relevant resources helpful for your research data management.

Solutions for every Phase of your Project

Step 1: Planning

Recommendations for Users

Step 1
Determine the research funding body requirements:

  • Check the list of requirements provided by the funding organization.
  • Check the latest updates (DFG, Horizon etc..) on website.

Step 2
Consider discipline-specific requirements:

  • Check if there are specific standards how data should be managed in your research field.
  • For more information get in touch with the relevant NFDI consortium. 

Step 3
Consider organization-specific requirements:

  • Check if there are specific requirements at your research institute
  • Get in touch with university’s library and computing or data centers for support

Providing a clear and comprehensive overview of the data that will be collected within the project:

  • Specifying type of the data
  • Sources
  • Methods for data acquisition

Incomplete list of general and specific file formats used in materials science:

Software Solutions

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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