NFDI-MatWerk Solutions
Support for Research Data Management in your MatWerk Projects

Discover research data management solutions developed and contributed by NFDI-MatWerk. Explore aligned with the project data lifecycle considering the DFG Research Data Checklist for a broader perspective on essential research data needs or access through the NFDI-MatWerk architecture based on your expertise, or find specific and relevant resources helpful for your research data management.

Solutions for every Phase of your Project

Step 5: Sharing

Recommendations for Users

The accessibility and reusability of the research data are the key elements of FAIR principles. To ensure the beneficial utilization of research data by third parties, a systematic and criterion-based selection process is essential:

  • Research data should be stored for up to 10 years as part of good scientific practice.
  • Use persistent identifier (PID) to make your data findable (DOI, ORCID).
  • Use open-source repositories (e.g. Zenodo, Figshare, Re3Data…).
  • If possible use open file formats for long-term data storage. They are independent of the manufacturer and can be used with different programs.

Software Solutions

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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