
The Working Group “Metadata in Nanoindentation and Micromechanics” focuses on the development and application of different micro/nanomechanical testing methods to study the structure-property relationships of metals, ceramics, and polymers. Nanoindentation has proven particularly powerful for exploring mechanical behaviors at small-length scales and is widely employed in the materials science community as well as in industry. It is highly versatile and can be applied to all materials classes allowing the extraction of, e.g., elastic, plastic, and fracture properties. Even standard nanoindentation experiments are already “high-throughput“, and even more so the novel high-speed nanoindentation techniques yielding thousands of indents within a few minutes. In this working group we combine the expertise of researchers working with different instrumentation and data formats, and aim at defining unified data- and analysis frameworks for nanoindentation and other micromechanical (in-situ) testing methods. 

Contact:Prof. Dr. Ruth Schwaiger, FZ Jülich GmbH; Prof. Dr. Florian Pyczak, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon; Prof. Dr. Karsten Durst, TU Darmstadt
DFG Classification:405-04 Materials Engineering; 406-04 Materials Science
Material/ Methodology:Nanoindentation raw data and analysis / Experiments
Engagement:Three scientific research groups

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Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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