
The general topic of the Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1261 are magnetoelectric sensor approaches with high sensitivity at biomagnetic frequencies and their evaluation and utilization in medically relevant questions. The aim of project A10 – “Magnetic Noise of Magnetoelectric Sensors” is to comprehend and quantify the influence of geometrical and physical imperfections as well as the connected magnetic microstructure on the magnetic noise of ME sensors. Dedicated experimental methods are combined with high-resolved and adaptive micromagnetomechanical simulations. This participant project is important since it covers the important aspects “cooperation of materials science with medicine”, “CRC data handling”, and “multiphysical and multiscale data of functional materials”. The data steward will accompany the implementation and act as a linking point to central RDM services of Kiel University. The application for a second phase of the CRC is currently under review and granting is thus a necessary condition for a contribution to NFDI-MatWerk.

Acronym:project A10 (CRC 1261)
Contact:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Wulfinghoff, Thilo Paul-Stüve, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
DFG Classification:406-01, -04 Materials Science
Material/ Methodology:Magnetoelectric composite materials; coupling of magnetic, electric and mechanical phenomena; Application to magnetoelectric sensors for medically relevant questions
Engagement:Microstructure investigation for magnetoelectric sensors and conclusions on sensor behavior

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Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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